
SCPI Commands

class Upper[source]

Upper commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 2 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:EVDO:MEASurement<instance>:MEValuation:LIMit:ACP:UPPer:ABSolute
value: List[float or bool] = driver.configure.multiEval.limit.acp.upper.get_absolute()

Defines upper limits 0 to 9 for the extended ACP measurement in dBm of the selected carrier (see method RsCmwEvdoMeas. Configure.MultiEval.Carrier.select) at the individual positive offset frequencies (set via method RsCmwEvdoMeas.Configure. MultiEval.Acp.Foffsets.upper) . The limit index 0 to 9 corresponds to the index used in manual control.


acp_setting: Range: -80 dBm to 10 dBm , Unit: dBm Additional parameters: ON | OFF (enables | disables the limit check)

# SCPI: CONFigure:EVDO:MEASurement<instance>:MEValuation:LIMit:ACP:UPPer[:RELative]
value: List[float or bool] = driver.configure.multiEval.limit.acp.upper.get_relative()

Defines limits for the relative ACP in dBc of the selected carrier (see method RsCmwEvdoMeas.Configure.MultiEval.Carrier. select) at the individual positive offset frequencies (set via method RsCmwEvdoMeas.Configure.MultiEval.Acp.Foffsets. upper) . The limit index 0 to 9 corresponds to the index used in manual control.


acp_setting: No help available

set_absolute(acp_setting: List[float])None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:EVDO:MEASurement<instance>:MEValuation:LIMit:ACP:UPPer:ABSolute
driver.configure.multiEval.limit.acp.upper.set_absolute(acp_setting = [1.1, True, 2.2, False, 3.3])

Defines upper limits 0 to 9 for the extended ACP measurement in dBm of the selected carrier (see method RsCmwEvdoMeas. Configure.MultiEval.Carrier.select) at the individual positive offset frequencies (set via method RsCmwEvdoMeas.Configure. MultiEval.Acp.Foffsets.upper) . The limit index 0 to 9 corresponds to the index used in manual control.

param acp_setting

Range: -80 dBm to 10 dBm , Unit: dBm Additional parameters: ON | OFF (enables | disables the limit check)

set_relative(acp_setting: List[float])None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:EVDO:MEASurement<instance>:MEValuation:LIMit:ACP:UPPer[:RELative]
driver.configure.multiEval.limit.acp.upper.set_relative(acp_setting = [1.1, True, 2.2, False, 3.3])

Defines limits for the relative ACP in dBc of the selected carrier (see method RsCmwEvdoMeas.Configure.MultiEval.Carrier. select) at the individual positive offset frequencies (set via method RsCmwEvdoMeas.Configure.MultiEval.Acp.Foffsets. upper) . The limit index 0 to 9 corresponds to the index used in manual control.

param acp_setting

numeric | ON | OFF Range: -80 dBc to 10 dBc, Unit: dBc Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit check | enables the limit check using the previous/default limit values)