Source code for RsCmwEvdoMeas.Implementations.MultiEval_.ListPy_.Cp_.State

from typing import List

from .....Internal.Core import Core
from .....Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from .....Internal.Types import DataType
from .....Internal.StructBase import StructBase
from .....Internal.ArgStruct import ArgStruct
from ..... import enums

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]class State: """State commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._base = CommandsGroup("state", core, parent) # noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] class FetchStruct(StructBase): """Response structure. Fields: \n - Reliabiltiy: int: decimal 'Conventions and General Information'. In list mode, a zero reliability indicator indicates that the results in all measured segments are valid. A non-zero value indicates that an error occurred in at least one of the measured segments. - Seg_Reliability: List[int]: 0 | 3 | 4 | 8 The segment reliability indicates whether one of the following exceptions occurred in this segment: 0: No error 3: Signal overflow 4: Signal low 8: Synchronization error If a combination of exceptions occurs, the most severe error is indicated. - Rri: List[enums.ResultStateA]: INVisible | ACTive | IACTive 'INV': No channel available 'ACTive': Active channel 'IACtive': Inactive channel - Pilot: List[enums.ResultStateA]: INVisible | ACTive | IACTive 'INV': No channel available 'ACTive': Active channel 'IACtive': Inactive channel - Ack_Dsc: List[enums.ResultStateA]: INVisible | ACTive | IACTive 'INV': No channel available 'ACTive': Active channel 'IACtive': Inactive channel - Aux_Pilot: List[enums.ResultStateA]: INVisible | ACTive | IACTive 'INV': No channel available 'ACTive': Active channel 'IACtive': Inactive channel - Drc: List[enums.ResultStateA]: INVisible | ACTive | IACTive 'INV': No channel available 'ACTive': Active channel 'IACtive': Inactive channel - Data: List[enums.ResultStateA]: INVisible | ACTive | IACTive 'INV': No channel available 'ACTive': Active channel 'IACtive': Inactive channel""" __meta_args_list = [ ArgStruct.scalar_int('Reliabiltiy'), ArgStruct('Seg_Reliability', DataType.IntegerList, None, False, True, 1), ArgStruct('Rri', DataType.EnumList, enums.ResultStateA, False, True, 1), ArgStruct('Pilot', DataType.EnumList, enums.ResultStateA, False, True, 1), ArgStruct('Ack_Dsc', DataType.EnumList, enums.ResultStateA, False, True, 1), ArgStruct('Aux_Pilot', DataType.EnumList, enums.ResultStateA, False, True, 1), ArgStruct('Drc', DataType.EnumList, enums.ResultStateA, False, True, 1), ArgStruct('Data', DataType.EnumList, enums.ResultStateA, False, True, 1)] def __init__(self): StructBase.__init__(self, self) self.Reliabiltiy: int = None self.Seg_Reliability: List[int] = None self.Rri: List[enums.ResultStateA] = None self.Pilot: List[enums.ResultStateA] = None self.Ack_Dsc: List[enums.ResultStateA] = None self.Aux_Pilot: List[enums.ResultStateA] = None self.Drc: List[enums.ResultStateA] = None self.Data: List[enums.ResultStateA] = None
[docs] def fetch(self) -> FetchStruct: """SCPI: FETCh:EVDO:MEASurement<instance>:MEValuation:LIST:CP:STATe \n Snippet: value: FetchStruct = driver.multiEval.listPy.cp.state.fetch() \n Return the states of the channels for power measurement (CP) . The values listed below in curly brackets {} are returned for each active segment: {...}seg 1, {...}seg 2, ..., {...}seg n. The number of active segments n is determined by method RsCmwEvdoMeas.Configure.MultiEval.ListPy.count. The number to the left of each result parameter is provided for easy identification of the parameter position within the result array. \n :return: structure: for return value, see the help for FetchStruct structure arguments.""" return'FETCh:EVDO:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:LIST:CP:STATe?', self.__class__.FetchStruct())